Sunday, October 23, 2011

Roadtrips & Air Getaways

I just can't help myself.  I love to travel, see new places and experience new cultures. It's great for the health, both emotionally (relaxation) and physically (walking).  And, what's a getaway without family or friends to share the fun?

Powerbag & iPad 2 - 10/24/11

Just entered a fabulous giveaway for a Powerbag and iPad 2, hosted by Military Travel Mama. Gotta tweet daily!

What an awesome win this would be!  An iPad is something I'd never purchase for myself (simply because I'm too frugal), but would definitely be a happy recipient of.  And a Powerbag would be a great convenience during my many travels (professional and personal)!!  Pick me, pick me, oh please pick me!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Down 6 Pounds!

After a long medical hiatus, I'm down 6 pounds in 4 days!!  Of course today isn't my official weekly weigh-in, but I just couldn't resist the call of the scale.  All I can attribute it to is 10 minutes of power walking, carefully watching my calories and faithfully checking in with my weight loss buddies each day.

Over the past week I've been using the awesome free iPhone app, "LOSE IT," for tracking my exercise and well as my weigh ins.  For determining calories burned during my power walks, I use yet another awesome free app, "PEDOMETER," then enter the results into Lose It.

I was surprised at what a difference calorie counting and a bit of exercise can do.  Not only is the weight dropping off, I seem to have more energy.  Hopefully, this loss wasn't a fluke and I'll continue to drop more cumbersome pounds!!

Tough Few Months

It's been a tough few months for me.  From both my mother and I being admitted to the hospital due to heart issues to my daughter driving over a culvert and into a deep ditch to avoid a huge statue in the road.

Thankfully my daughter wasn't hurt in the accident...God definitely has plans for her.  A State Trooper just happened to be behind her and witnessed the entire incident...just seconds before his car was totaled for actually hitting the statue.  Needless to say, he was hopping mad and said it would be his "life's mission" to find the culprit who maliciously placed it in the middle of the interstate for someone to hit.

Unfortunately, I'm an emotional eater and all this put a damper on my weight loss :-(